Shanxi Coal Supplies Supply Company

Shanxi Coal Supplies Supply Company
Industrial waste
Business Scope:
Coal washing equipment
There are a large number of idle backlog of equipment and materials to be sold in the adjustment center of Shaanxi Coal Chemical Group, Our center is responsible for the disposal of scrapped materials, overstocked spare parts, idle equipment and scrapped equipment (coal washing and chemical industry) in coal mines of Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Group. Interested participants are welcome to call and discuss sincerely looking forward to long-term cooperation with you based on professional management, fair trade and honesty; For the purpose of service, in the long-term business activities, many customers have won the trust and support, and established a good reputation in the industry. Treat people in good faith and sincerity, and provide high-quality service as the foundation! Welcome new and old friends to negotiate business! I wish all old and new friends a prosperous business and all the best! 13992875849, contact person: Mr. Gu...See More Information>>
Shanxi Coal Supplies Supply Company
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  • Company Name:Shanxi Coal Supplies Supply Company
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112